
Stop press: two grant opportunities with the Gabo Trust

The Gabo Trust is inviting grant applications from conservators of modern and contemporary sculpture towards attending the following two conferences

Getty Conservation Institute Symposium
Living Matter/ La Materia Viva
Museo Universitario Arte Contemporraneo (MUAC) and Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografia (ENCRyM), Mexico City,
12 - 15 June 2019

This symposium will discuss the implications and challenges associated with collecting, displaying, and preserving contemporary works that include biological materials. It will explore how the initial intention for a work might conflict with museum policies and how this might impact on the nature and lifespan of a work. A range of possible solutions will be presented through case studies, as well as an overview of current thinking and practices on this topic. More information from the event website here

(Above: MUAC, Mexico City)

4th ICON International Conference
New Perspectives: Contemporary Conservation Thinking and Practice
Waterfront Hall, Belfast, 12 - 15 June 2019

This conference will include discussions and debates on the latest research, practical applications and innovative thinking across the sector. More information from the event website here. 

(Above: Waterfront Hall, Belfast)

Deadline for completed Gabo Trust grant applications for both conferences:
Friday 5th April 2019.

For further information on our CPD grants and how to apply, click here.